Thursday 19 April 2012

Pune: Join us 2 buy land for invetment/weekend home.

This is small note to apprise you on a proposal to buy land around Pune amongst friends. It could be as an investment or a weekend home or both.

I was initially looking at a small place close to Pune for a weekend getaway and an investment. I did put this suggestion across to some of my friends and found that quite a few, as a matter of fact “TWENTY ONE” up to date have evinced interest is joining hands with me. 

Some like me are looking to build whilst others looking to invest.
Broadly speaking, I propose the gross plot area to be around 10.000 sq. ft. as a certain percentage would have to go  for common roads and open space. Some friends wants a larger area and are amenable to two or three plots of this size. I am looking at a group of around 40 to 55 persons to bring in the economies of scale for internal development in the property and also in obtaining various permissions. Availability of a constant source of water being the premier consideration, a motorable road and electricity amongst others and say within around 50 kms of Pune, to be able to connect easily, travel time being equally important.
Having scouted around Pune for a number of such properties with various builders and developers around Pune, I found the lack of a guaranteed perennial supply of water or the mark up on the properties seen was so much that the property was in simple terms not worth it. Purchasing it ourself made more sense to me.
The locations which may fit into our parameters would be off the Pune Sholapur Road, upto the Daund turnoff or off  the Pune Bangalore Road upto and around the Nira river or off the Mumbai Pune old highway at somewhere near Kamshet/ Urse expressway connector to the old Mumbai-Pune Highway.
Once we have the requisite number of friends, we would scout for such land and hopefully close the deal in a say about two to three months and start the development works and building permissions. All these works would be handed over to professionals. Scouting for land at this time would also give us a great indication on water levels during peak summer months.

Look forward to you and also your friends coming on board with us.

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